Sunday, 16 January 2011

Summary of findings for film openings..

Creating an enigma:

All of the film openings I watched create an enigma making the audience want to watch more so they can answer the questions the opening make them ask. Some films create more of an enigma than others such as The Notebook; The Notebook's opening gives very little away about anything and makes the audience want to know what is so significant about this river? and, who this man rowing the boat?

Introducing key characters:

All of the films introduce characters but not in the same way. 2 out of the 5 films introduce characters directly with a voice over, which lets the audience identify with them straight away and because they are shown in the first two minutes connotes they are the main or one of the main characters - A Cinderella Story and What a Girl Wants. The other 3 films introduce characters indirectly but again because they are shown at the very beginning of the film shows the audience they are important to the plot. The Notebook go to the extreme of not indirectly introducing a character by not showing his facial features so the only way to find out who he is to watch the rest of the film. Step up introduces groups of characters rather than individuals so the audience have to watch the film to be able to get to know each character.

Introducing key themes:

Step up and 10 Things I Hate About You introduce rivalry between two sets of people. In Step Up it is shown through the dancers divide and in 10 Things I Hate About You it is shown through the populars and the individual who appears to be the main character. By introducing this theme at the beginning shows it is a big part in the plot. 
What A Girl Wants and A Cinderella Story introduce love as a key thing, but family love. Again, by doing this it connotes that their family play a big part in the story.
The Notebook only really displays a loneliness theme because of the empty river and the male who is on his own.

Introducing genre:

Some of the film openings show some iconic aspects of teenage romance like the use of setting being a school: Step Up and 10 Things I Hate About You.
The Notebook doesn't really introduce the genre at all because it creates more of an enigma instead.
The other two films use the iconic childhood story associated with teenage romance to start off the film: A Cinderella Story and What A Girl Wants.

Use of titles:

In all the openings the titles are spread out for quite a while which helps distinguish the beginning of the film but also shows the audience who the main actors are because no one really watches the end credits.

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